Will we get through a year without any interruption?
Lets hope so! We are preparing the courts and the bowling green for this year. We still have plans to refurbish two tennis courts and ensure the green is the best it can be. We've been hampered by the incessant rain to get onto the green but a lot of work has been done to the drainage on the top tennis courts in preparation for resurfacing in the future.
We are actively seeking bowlers to join us socially and also join our teams.
Our tennis membership has grown and the online booking of courts has proved to be very popular. Our intention is to provide the best facilities and services for families, juniors and our teams throughout the calendar year and out of season.
Any member wishing to join our regular working parties to keep the playing and social environments tidy would be most welcome. Check out the noticeboard for upcoming "housekeeping" dates and thank you to all those who regularly join in, it makes big difference.
Enjoy your game!